Tricare Reserve Select Copay


Tricare reserve select er copay Find your TRICARE costs, including copayments,
enrollment fees, and payment options.

Testing copayment waiver: Retroactive to March 18, 2020, TRICARE will waive copayments/cost-shares for medically necessary COVID-19 diagnostic and antibody testing and related services, and office visits, urgent care or emergency room visits during which tests are ordered or administered. Copayments and cost-shares are subject to change at the beginning of each calendar year. Copayments are per occurrence or per visit. Cost-shares are a percentage of the contracted rate for network providers and the maximum TRICARE allowable for non-network providers on certain types of services. Update your TRICARE eligibility status. To update eligibility status for a family member, contact the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) at (800) 538-9552 and verify what documentation is required for the change. It is the responsibility of the TRICARE beneficiary, parent or legal representative to report a change in status.

  • Most costs are for calendar year 2021 unless noted separately.
  • For US Family Health Plan and TRICARE Prime Remote costs, choose 'TRICARE Prime' from the pull-down menu
  • Visit the Cost Terms page for definitions to help you better understand TRICARE costs.
  • If you're an unremarried former spouse, for the Continued Health Care Benefit Program (CHCBP), chose 'Retired' regardless of your sponsor's status
  • Looking for dental costs? Visit the TRICARE Dental Costs section.

Tricare Reserve Select Copay 2020

When did the sponsor enlist in or was appointed to the uniformed services?

Copayments will be waived retroactively to March 18 for certain testing and office visits related to the testing. The test must be one approved, cleared, or authorized by the Food and Drug Administration to detect SARS-CoV-2 or diagnose COVID-19. If you paid any copayments for testing related to COVID-19 and the resulting office visits with a network or non- network provider, you may file a claim for reimbursement. For more information related to the coronavirus, visit the FAQ page.

Annual deductibles apply to network and non-network providers for outpatient services only.

  • Deductibles must be met before TRICARE benefits are payable.
  • Once the deductible is met, cost-shares apply.
  • Network providers can collect at a minimum the copayment at the time of service. A provider may also collect the outstanding balance of the deductible. The explanation of benefits (EOB) will inform the beneficiary and provider of the allowed amount and patient responsibility.
  • Deductibles apply to the catastrophic cap.
  • TRICARE Select, TRICARE Young Adult Select, TRICARE Reserve Select, and TRICARE Retired Reserve deductibles do not apply to preventive services.
    • Exception: Deductibles will apply to routine eye examinations (when covered), school physicals and assignment-ordered physicals, when performed by non-network providers.

A beneficiary's deductible is determined by the sponsor's initial enlistment or appointment date:

  • Group A: Sponsor's enlistment or appointment date occurred prior to Jan. 1, 2018.
  • Group B: Sponsor's enlistment or appointment date occurred on or after Jan. 1, 2018.

TRICARE Prime and TRICARE Prime Remote (not including TRICARE Young Adult)

Active Duty Family MembersRetirees and Their Family Members

Group A: $0

Group B: $0

Point of Service deductibles are calculated separately.

Group A: $0

Group B: $0

Point of Service deductibles are calculated separately.

Tricare Reserve Select Copayment

TRICARE Select (not including TRICARE Young Adult)

Active Duty Family MembersRetirees and Their Family Members

Group A:
E4 and Below: $50/individual, $100/family
E5 and Above: $150/individual, $300/family

Group B:

2020: E4 and Below: $52/individual, $104/family
E5 and Above: $156/individual, $313/family

2021: E4 and Below: $52/individual, $105/family
E5 and Above: $158/individual, $317/family

Group A:
$150/individual, $300/family

Group B:

2020: Network Providers: $156/individual, $313/family
Non-Network Providers: $313/individual, $626/family

2021: Network Providers: $158/individual, $317/family
Non-Network Providers: $317/individual, $634/family


TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) and TRICARE Retired Reserve (TRR)

TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS)TRICARE Retired Reserve (TRR)

2020: E4 and Below: $52/individual, $104/family
E5 and Above: $156/individual, $313/family

2021: E4 and Below: $52/individual, $105/family
E5 and Above: $158/individual, $317/family

2020: Network Providers: $156/individual, $313/family
Non-Network Providers: $313/individual, $626/family

2021: Network Providers: $158/individual, $317/family
Non-Network Providers: $317/individual, $634/family

TRICARE Young Adult

The TRICARE Young Adult deductible is based on the sponsor's status.

Tricare Reserve Select Cost

Active Duty
Family Members
Retiree Family
Active Duty Family MembersRetiree Family Members

E4 and Below: $52/individual
E5 and Above: $156/individual

E4 and Below: $52/individual
E5 and Above: $158/individual

Network Providers: $156/individual
Non-Network Providers: $313/individual

Network Providers: $158/individual
Non-Network Providers: $317/individual